The Importance of Velit’s Workflow Builder in Depth Conversion

Apr 27, 2017
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Software should work with you, not against you. Whether you’re doing something simple or something complicated, software can often be the source of much chagrin when it comes to getting something done. Equipoise Software has long since developed depth conversion software which is well known for the fact that it, among the very many pieces of kit out there, actually works with the user unconstructively.

This particular petrel depth conversion plug in, Velit, (Branded as VelPAK on IHS Kingdom) manages to do this with a number of excellent features, and a much better workflow. Velit depth conversion software combines a wide array of industry standard velocity modeling methods which are more than enough which is needed to build precise pictures of geological surfaces. Furthermore, you can really interrogate your data with a gigantic amount of features, which will lead to increased enhancement of operational efficiency.

Your capability to produce a best technical case velocity model will be enhanced by the very many features Velit can offer, but you might be wondering if that also means that clunkiness is expected. Depth conversion, after all, isn’t the most linear of conversions, and more often than not, software can very much be a barrier to progress and accuracy.

Equipoise Software understands that depth conversion is an iterative pursuit, and to determine the best case velocity modeling solution, more often than not, an entire range of ideas is needed. That’s what they’ve built Velit for – Velit allows you to quickly see different velocities and structural forms, and how they impact the depth of your targets.

Simple to use doesn’t have to mean weak. Likewise, A large range of targets and extensive libraries doesn’t have to mean overly complex or menial.

Velit happens to strike the very best balance of both, and against all odds, happens to be both comprehensive and easy to use.

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