
Mar 30, 2012
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Many people enjoy cigars, especially on special occasions or on a social night out. It’s easy to tell who the true cigar cigarssmokers are by the way they light up. Lighting a cigar takes practice; many people don’t get to enjoy the flavour of a cigar because they burn the tobacco first by lighting it incorrectly.

There are many quality lighters that can help you light your cigar properly. Rather than buying cheap disposable lighters from the supermarket, which aren’t really designed for cigar lighting, cigar smokers should invest in a good brand wind proof lighter.

One of the main issues when lighting a cigar is lighting it unevenly, one of the main causes for this is the weather. Many cigar smokers treasure their lighter as a valuable piece of equipment, especially when out and about.

To light a cigar properly, you need a nice even flame. You should slowly move the cigar into the flame, rotating it slowly making sure all sides are lighting evenly, ensuring that the tobacco doesn’t burn. If all goes well, the first puff of cigar will taste just as the tobacconist intended.

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